1. XXL gave an invited talk, titled "On-chip ultra-high Q CHI-2 microresonators for nonlinear optics and PIC applications", at CHI-2 photonics in microresonators and beyond online conference and doctoral school in 2021. (Download:2021-CHI 2.pdf)
2. XXL gave an invited talk, titled "Advancing integrated photonics and microreactor technologies with ultrafast laser processing", at Photonics West 2021.(Download:2021-PW-Cheng.pdf)
Presentation video:
3. XXL gave a plenary talk, titled "3D microfabrication of large-scale objects in glass using an ultrafast laser",at International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science “UltrafastLight-2020”. (Download: 2020-Moscow-ultrafastlight.pdf)
4. XXL gave an invited talk, titled "Ultra-low loss lithium niobatenanophotonics",at Photonics West 2020.(Download: 2020-PW-Cheng.pdf)
Presentation video:
5. XXL gave an invited talk, titled "High resolution 3D printing with a low NA focal lens",at Photonics West 2019. (Download: 2019-PW-Cheng.pdf)
6. XXL gave a plenary talk, titled "Femtosecond laser 3D micromachining: from research prototype to industrial tool",at International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science “UltrafastLight-2019”. (Download: 2019-Moscow-ultrafastlight.pdf)